Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Recent Pics

Here are a few recent pictures of Caitlin. She is doing great! She's crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything! Her front two top teeth have popped through and are slowly growing in, and she's becoming very verbal lately....of course it's just baby babble but it's so cute to listen to!

Bath Time!

Here's Caitlin taking her nightly bath. She has so much fun splashing that whoever is giving her a bath ends up getting one too!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Caitlin is 8 months old!

Caitlin turned 8 months old today. Wow, where has the past month gone? It feels like just yesterday that she was turning 7 months old. Everybody told me time would fly and she would grow up so quickly, and they were right! Caitlin had a nice day on her birthday. She spent some time over at Cici and Bear's and then she and I went for a swim! She still loves the water and it is so much fun to watch her play in it. As for new "baby stuff"....we've been working really hard on waving "hello" and "goodbye". I think she almost has it! O! And she has a new tooth! It's a top one, but not one of the front ones? I'm not sure if that's the order they're supposed to come in, so I'll have to ask my other mommy friends. Either way, it's a cute little tooth! O' the little milestones in a parents life!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Miss O'Brien

Caitlin's Standing all the time now!

Caitlin started standing up on her own (with something to hold onto of course) a couple of weeks ago. She pulls up on whatever she can find and then stands there for as long as she can. She loves the independence she has now that she can both crawl and stand up!! It's so much fun watching her learn new things!