Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here are some recent pictures of the family.  Chloe is growing every day!  I can't believe how big she is getting.  Caitlin is still being a fabulous  big sister.  She always wants to help burp and rock Chloe and still wants to kiss her every time she sees her.  

We had a really nice mother's day.  We took the girls to the zoo, where Caitlin had  a ball seeing all the animals, then we had dinner over at Cici and Bears where all the moms and daughters were together.  It was a very special day :)

Mother's Day

Mom and Dad night out!
Chloe's One Month Birthday!!!!
Caitlin's 17 Month Birthday!!

The Doggies watching over Chloe

Chloe's Smiling now!
Out Sweet Little Caitlin

Sisters hanging out together